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Using adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms, DiSC tailors questions based on an individual's responses to provide the most powerful, personalized feedback possible.
Interested in finding out more about the reliability and validity of DiSC? See the table of contents of the Everything DiSC Manual, rich with information.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Style should remain relatively constant. On average personality doesn’t change much over time in the general population; however shifting from one segment isn’t unusual (12%). If someone has taken two assessment close together, sometimes the reason could be lack of sleep, too much coffee or the in-laws are in town. Any major shift is usually a measurement issue than a change in someone’s personality.
Someone may change style slightly from one report to another. For example change from a D in Workplace to a C in a WOL. In follow-up conversation, they may see themselves as more careful when coming from a leader lens.
There is one exception: Some people may become for introverted with age.
A person’s DiSC style is measured by asking them the degree to which they agree with a series of statements about themselves. These responses are used to calculate a score for that individual on eight scales.
The eight scales are as follows: D, D/iDi,I, iS/Si, S, SC/CS, C, CD. (Although these scales do not show up in a profile, they are used to determine which style the respondent receives.)
Ask the learner:
The assessment uses the most advanced type of psychographic testing, so it is considered reliable and valid. The test-retest factors are strong, indicating that you would typically get the same result if you were to take it again (if you answered “yes” to the two questions above).
That said, the model provides a reliable/resonant report for most who take it, but not all. Often the report debrief provides additional insight that makes the report more useful to you.
Review the Supplement for Facilitators that comes the report in EPIC
You will see additional data in this Supplement. You might say:
"I just looked at some of the raw data from your report and thought to share some nuances with you. You “scored” as a moderate D who prioritizes challenge, accuracy and action. You also showed high “marks" for enthusiasm and collaboration. While this is not unusual, it is also not common to have so many priorities around the circle. And while you did not answer enough questions to prioritize support and stability, you did answer questions that indicated that you are a good listener, warm hearted, upbeat, trusting, tactful, accommodating and modest. This says to me that you may have a more layered result that needs more context, which I can provide when I see you next."
The 8 words around the DiSC map are called "Priorities." These are the primary areas where people focus their energy. Every respondent has at least 3 priorities and can have as many as 5.
The priority words change in each report:
Distribution of styles is determined with a method that norms the data. This approach makes the style more user-friendly and accurate because "style" is something that is defined from a "relative" perspective. One person is seen as more accurate, because others are seen as less so.
Norming the data in this way creates an (about) equal percentage of representative traits, and thus, style, in any population.
A respondent's answers to questions will align them somewhere on the bell-shaped curve, where the curve is standardized as to compare, more than define.
An individual's assessment scores are interpreted and rated against this equal distribution method developed in the norming process to make the findings most significant and relevant.
Here is the distribution of primary styles and scale distribution with a stratified sample of N=26,703
Primary Style
D 25.1
i 25.7
S 24.4
C 24.8
Scale distribution:
iD 7.1
i 10.4
iS 7.6
Si 8.4
S 9.2
SC 8.1
CS 9.9
C 9.2
CD 5.3
DC 7.5
D 8.8
Di 8.5
DiSC measures 2 dimensions. Skeptical-Accepting and Fast-Paced–Thoughtful. MBTI measures against 4 dimensions.
No. The circumplex model is statistically significant, in that a priority (word around the circle) has more association to the priority next to it than across from it. This relates to the strong levels of multi-dimensional scaling. Someone can have additional priorities outside their style, and someone can have a "butterfly" result, in that their extra priorities can be across the circle. This is not a typical, though possible, result.
This can be difficult to measure, because when we look at differences, we cannot separate out the cultural meaning. Wiley research has found that traditionally defined ethnic groups within the US have very few meaningful differences. Additionally, differences between cultures that use the same language (e.g., US, UK, Australia), have very few substantive differences.
For reports in different languages, DiSC is also translated in several langauges, and is extensively researched in that native tongue.
The differences are very small and statistically not significant (3-6%). Women on average are more likely to lean toward the right side of the circle, while men on average lean a little more toward the left side of the circle. Gender does not indicate how someone is going to score on DiSC.
Environment can shape expression of personality, and some people express very differently at home and at work. Sometimes a certain culture or specific situations can curb natural tendencies. In a coaching engagement, I might ask someone where they feel more natural, and if there is a desire to be more natural in the other environment.
Ask them about their specific concern...Maybe they are concerned
Here are some ways to address concerns. First let them know DiSC is not meant to label people or box them into fixed categories. Style assignments are not meant to be limiting or reductive. Instead, they serve as a simple framework for understanding tendencies, much like a starting point for deeper exploration and self-awareness. DiSC has proven to be a tool for understanding behavior, improving communication, and fostering collaboration.
Other points to share:
1) Important cornerstone principles include
2) It can also help to share you own experience and/or profile, and convey the learning it has provided and the way your have applied the learning.
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