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Learn about the 12 distinct styles.
People with the D style are strong-willed individuals who prioritize getting results. Because they want to make their mark, they constantly look for new challenges and opportunities.
In addition, they also tend to be action-oriented, so they often focus on achieving their goals quickly and forcefully. Since they are often very fast-paced, they like it when people cut to the chase.
Furthermore, those with the D style also speak up when they see a problem. Because they want to control outcomes, they’re often questioning and independent-minded.
People with the Di style move at a fast pace, and they probably come across as adventurous and bold. Because they grow bored easily, these individuals often seek out unique assignments and leadership positions.
In addition, they’re focused on getting results, so they often work to accomplish their goals rapidly. While they are competitive, they can also use charm to persuade others to help them succeed.
Finally, those with the Di style tend to be energetic and enthusiastic, so they may come across as charming and fun. They probably use their excitement to inspire others and to create a lively environment.
People with the DC style want to explore all options and make sure that the best possible methods are used. As a result, they may be very questioning and skeptical of other people’s ideas.
In addition, they’re also focused on getting results, so they’re often very direct and straightforward. When they’re concentrating on the bottom line, they may overlook the feelings of others.
Finally, those with the DC style also ensure accuracy. Because they want to control the quality of their work, they prefer to work independently, and they may focus on separating emotions from facts.
People with the i style put a high priority on enthusiasm and tend to maintain an upbeat attitude. They get excited about new possibilities, and they may be very expressive when communicating their ideas.
In addition, they are action-oriented, so they often focus on making quick progress toward exciting solutions. Since they tend to be fast-paced, they may be eager to get going without spending a lot of time considering the consequences.
Furthermore, those with the i style also appreciate collaboration. They usually enjoy meeting new people, and they may have a talent for getting everyone involved and building team spirit.
People with the iD style value taking action, so they tend to focus on moving toward their goals quickly. They like to maintain a fast pace, and they’re probably comfortable making decisions on the fly.
In addition, they tend to be enthusiastic, and they may come across as high-energy people who like to rally others around a common goal. Most likely, they maintain an upbeat attitude and bring a genuine optimism to their work.
Furthermore, those with the iD style focus on getting results, so they may come across as ambitious and goal-oriented. Most likely, they enjoy leveraging relationships to achieve new accomplishments.
People with the iS style value collaboration, so they enjoy teaming up with others as much as possible. Because they want everyone to feel included, they tend to spend time and energy getting people involved.
In addition, they tend to be enthusiastic, and they’re likely to bring a positive attitude to their work and relationships. They’re light-hearted and encouraging, and they often like to spread their optimistic spirit to others.
Furthermore, those with the iS style tend to be flexible people who want what’s best for the group. When others struggle, they tend to show concern and offer uncritical support.
People with the S style place a high value on providing support. They tend to be good listeners, and as a result they’re often seen as patient and accommodating.
In addition, they often focus on maintaining a predictable, orderly environment. Since they tend to be cautious, they may use a methodical pace and avoid rapid change whenever possible.
Furthermore, people with the S style also value collaboration. Because they appreciate a trusting, warm environment, they may go out of their way to make sure people feel included and accepted.
People with the Si style are highly collaborative, and they like to involve others in making decisions. Most likely, they try to build team spirit and are less concerned with individual accomplishment.
In addition, they’re also supportive, so they tend to place a high importance on the needs of others. Because they have an accommodating nature, they’re often willing to set aside their own opinions and needs to help others.
Furthermore, those with the Si style usually come across as cheerful and upbeat. They tend to see the positive in most situations, and they’re encouraging of other people’s ideas.
People with the SC style place a high priority on stability and attaining consistent outcomes. Because they tend to be cautious, they may prefer to work in a predictable environment that won’t bring a lot of surprises.
In addition, they’re supportive, so they tend to be accommodating and willing to forfeit their own needs and preferences when necessary. They’re usually patient and diplomatic, and they aren’t likely to become overly emotional when pushed.
Furthermore, those with the SC style focus on accuracy. They tend to work systematically to produce quality work and effective solutions, and they may be fairly analytical at times.
People with the C style focus on accuracy and getting things right. Because they want to ensure superior results, they tend to analyze options rationally and separate emotions from facts.
In addition, they also value stability. Since they tend to appreciate follow-through and restraint, they’re uncomfortable with quick or risky decisions and prefer to take time to make an informed choice.
Furthermore, people with the C style are attentive to uncovering problems and mistakes. In their quest to find the most streamlined or productive method of completing their tasks, they may openly question ideas and point out flaws that others may have missed.
People with the CD style may come across as skeptical and determined in their focus on making sure things get done correctly. Most likely, they won’t accept ideas without asking a lot of questions, and they like to uncover problems that could affect results.
In addition, they also prioritize accuracy, and they focus on thinking logically to create the best solutions. They tend to avoid letting their emotions get in the way of making rational decisions.
Furthermore, those with the CD style also value getting results and tend to be determined to deliver quality outcomes efficiently. Most likely, they’re also willing to take charge of projects when necessary, and they can usually be counted on to keep things on track.
People with the CS style value stability, so they probably come across as orderly and precise. Since they prefer to be well-prepared, they tend to avoid taking risks or making rapid changes.
In addition, they also place a high priority on accuracy, so they tend to spend time refining their ideas before moving forward. Most likely, they rely on data before making decisions and tend to take an objective approach.
Furthermore, those with the CS style are usually ready and willing to help when their expertise is needed. They also tend to be even-tempered and patient with both people and difficult situations.