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Everything DiSC® on Catalyst, a personal development learning experience, for DiSC learners. The Catalyst platform equips people with the social and emotional know-how to improve interactions at work—no matter what position they hold or where they are located.
Combine the self-paced learning on Catalyst with instructor-led training to help your teams:
The result is lasting impact.
Catalyst, a personalized, online learning platform that acts as a single access point throughout a learner’s DiSC journey. Catalyst utilizes shorter, more bite-sized sessions. This modular learning can be delivered in any order, with small or large groups.
Catalyst allows participants to actively compare their DiSC styles to their colleagues' styles in real time -- building strategies and improving working relationships.
You can upgrade any past Everything DiSC or DiSC Classic learner (English) to Everything DiSC Workplace on Catalyst for FREE through December 31, 2025.
The Everything DiSC profiles available on Catalyst:
Look for announcements for NEW learning modules on Catalyst that provide return and learn on key topics such as Delivering Constructive Feedback, Navigating Change.
Facilitation materials are available (though not required) to support each of the reports found on Catalyst.
Workplace Modules: (1) Your DiSC Style, (2) Your Colleagues, (3) What Drives You
(4) You and Other Styles, (5) Build Better Relationships
Management Modules: (1) Your Management Style, (2): People Reading, (3) Direct & Delegate, (4) Motivation, (5) Develop Talent, (6) Manage Up
Agile EQ Modules: (1) Your EQ Strengths, (2) Beyond Your Comfort Zone, (3) Develop Your EQ
Reach out for more information.
Log into the the Catalyst demo site whre you'll see a fictitious organization with colleagues of various DiSC styles.
Log info:
Password: CatalystDemo123!
In EPIC, Go to Manage Reports > Create a New Report/Issue Access Codes.
Select Organization
Select Application
Add respondents
In EPIC, Go to Manage Reports >> Create a New Report/Issue Access Codes.
Select Organization
Select Application
Add respondents
After someone has completed a Catalyst Workplace, you can
Migrating your clients who are new to Catalyst AND have previously taken an Everything DiSC or DiSC Classic assessment is possible within EPIC. With this capability, you can upgrade up to 150 respondents to Catalyst without searching for each access code one by one. Do this by:
You can add a CUSTOM MESSAGE when issuing any DiSC reports. For Catalyst reports, this custom message will appear below the template seen in the image above.
Possible custom message:
Below you will find a link to take your DISC assessment. We will be using this behavioral assessment tool to learn about differing work styles, increase self-awareness, and gain insights to strengthen the ABC leadership team. We will debrief reports as a group at the team meeting next Thursday, June 11.
Please complete the assessment by noon May 24, committing 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted time to answer the questions, answering them from a workplace perspective.
To prepare for our meeting, please do the following: (1) Create a learner account using your work email address and remember the password you create for easier access later. (2) Upon completion of the assessment, you'll be in the Catalyst learning platform, where you can click to Learn about your style, then jump to Your Story, noting what sounds most accurate to you and what does not. (3) Scroll down to listen to the podcast of your style. (4) Print out a hard copy of your report and bring it to the retreat. You will find it by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the Catalyst site and selecting Download Report in the menu.
If you have any questions, contact me at
You can add a CUSTOM MESSAGE when issuing any DiSC reports. For Catalyst reports, this custom message will appear below the template seen in the image above
Possible custom message:
Please see the link above to Log in to Catalyst to update the DiSC report you previously completed to Catalyst. It will take 5-10 minutes for you to answer the additional questions. It will require you to sign in, since you created an account when you first took the assessment. if you don't remember or didn't save the password, click on the link for help with your password (and check junk mail if you don't see the subsequent email).
While there is a lot of worthwhile information within Catalyst, my immediate suggestion is for you to check out the "Your Colleagues" section. You can get there quickly by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner. See the menu of options on the left to see Your Colleagues and how you might use it as a guide for 1:1 conversations.
Please contact me at with any questions.
You can add a CUSTOM MESSAGE when issuing any DiSC reports. For Catalyst reports, this custom message will appear below the template seen in the image above.
Possible custom message:
Please see the link above to Log in to Catalyst to update the DiSC report you previously completed to Catalyst. It will take 5-10 minutes for you to answer the additional questions. It will require you to sign in, since you created an account when you first took the assessment. if you don't remember or didn't save the password, click on the link for help with your password (and check junk mail if you don't see the subsequent email).
While there is a lot of worthwhile information within Catalyst, my immediate suggestion is for you to check out the "Your Colleagues" section. You can get there quickly by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner. See the menu of options on the left to see Your Colleagues and how you might use it as a guide for 1:1 conversations.
Please contact me at with any questions.
See suggested activities and # of minutes estimated for each segment
Intros, Opening Icebreaker
See attached images. Use them as a share screen or input them into a google document/slide.
Show screen of video in DiSC-ology > The DiSC model overview
Guide participants to Learn about Your Style (click on link from home page) > Your Story
Ask them to review, noting what resonates does to, then discuss with partner ~ 10 min
Open debrief (2 volunteers)
Guide participants to What Drives You > Your Workplace Priorities
- Explain priorities (words around the circle), shading, extra shading
- If time, discuss with partner which priority word resonates most with you and how it relates to your work ~ 10 min
Guide participants further down page to Your Motivators and Stressors
- In pairs, have them discuss one statement from each category that resonates ~ 10 min
Open debrief ( 2 volunteers)
If large group, break into groups of primary style ~10 min
- As a group, they answer specific questions, such as:
- Or any other relevant questions – as a fun alternative, ask them to come up with their style’s theme song
- Each style group presents for 3-5 minutes
Guide participants to Your Colleagues
In pairs, have participants select their partner’s listing, discuss
Questions, comments, take-aways, next steps
DiSC BTR (pptx)
DownloadReach out to
Note on privacy: In our effort to increase effective collaboration and leverage strengths, you will have be able to see and explore strategies for working better together with your colleagues. We recommend that you share with colleagues. If for any reason you choose not to be seen within your network, go to the three lines in the upper right corner of the Catalyst site, click on Account Settings > Privacy and select "OFF" under "Sharing with Colleagues."