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Participant Take-Aways
Program Components (3.5 hours)
Module 1: Discovering Your DiSC® Style
Participants discover how DiSC styles affect their workplace relationships and explore the priorities that drive them.
Module 2: Understanding Other Styles
Participants learn what works for them and what challenges them when working with each DiSC style.
Module 3: Building More Effective Relationships
Participants create strategies and an action plan to overcome challenges when working with people of different DiSC styles.
Optional Module: People Reading
Participants learn how to identify others' DiSC styles on behavioral cues.
Optional Module: Comparison Report
Participants compare style with a colleague and discover how to improve their relationship.
Participant Take-Aways
Program Components (@ 3.5 hours)
Module 1: Discover Your Mindsets
Participants discover their DiSC style and learn about the Agile EQ mindsets that come naturally to them.
Module 2: Recognize and Value Other Mindsets
Participants deepen their understanding of all the Agile EQ mindsets and recognize the value of shifting to less comfortable mindsets.
Module 3: Act to Become Agile
Participants explore anticipated difficulties in stretching to new mindsets and create an action plan for becoming more agile.
Participant Take-Aways
Program Components (@ 5 hours)
Modules 1: Introduction to Your Management Style
Explores how DiSC preferences and priorities influence management style—including decision making and problem solving—and how to identify others’ DiSC styles using behavioral cues.
Module 2: Directing and Delegating
Participants identify their strengths and challenges when directing and delegating, use people-reading techniques to guess the DiSC styles of those they manage, and identify ways to more effectively manage others.
Module 3: Creating a Motivating Environment
Discover how people are motivated and how to create an environment to motivate others.
Module 4: Developing Others
Focuses on the essential role of managers: supporting the long-term professional growth and development of employees to catalyze each individual’s potential.
Module 5: Working with Your Manager
Identifies successful approaches to working effectively with different DiSC style managers, to advocate and get buy-in, influence and communicate, and navigate through conflict.
Participant Take-Aways
Program Components (@ 4 hours)
Module 1: DiSC in Conflict
Participants discover how DiSC styles affect their own and others’ conflict behaviors.
Module 2: Destructive Responses
Participants learn how their thoughts can conflict behaviors and what thoughts and behaviors might be typical for them.
Module 3: Changing Your Response
Participants learn how to “catch” and reframe their thoughts, which can help them choose more productive behaviors in conflict.
Optional Module: DiSC Conflict Map
Participants identify both productive and destructive behaviors for each DiSC style.
Optional Module: Comparison Report
Participants learn about the Everything DiSC Comparison Report and how it can help them improve their relationships with others.
Participant Take-Aways
Program Components (@ 6 hours)
Module 1: Introduction to the Work of Leaders
Explores how DiSC styles inform the role of leaders and introduces the eight priorities of the Everything DiSC Leadership Map.
Module 2: Vision
Examines the defining elements of a vision, and its best practices of exploration, boldness, testing assumptions, and where they identify their tendencies in this area.
Module 3: Alignment
Examines the defining elements of alignment, and its best practices of clarity, dialogue, inspiration, and where they identify their tendencies in this area.
Module 4: Execution
Examines the defining elements of execution, and its best practices of momentum, structure, feedback, and where they identify their tendencies in this area
Module 5: Action Planning
Engages learners in their strengths and challenges in each of the three key areas of the Work of Leaders model and crafting an action plan for improvement.
Optional Activity: Everything DiSC Comparison Report
Pairs compare their similarities and differences, potential roadblocks in working together, and practical tips for improving working relationships between colleagues.
Optional Activity: Discovering DiSC
Understand the DiSC framework to explore the style, priorities, and drivers.
Participant Take-Aways
Program Components (@ 5 hours)
Module 1: Introduces the Everything DiSC Sales Map to explore how participants’ styles and personal priorities influence their selling behaviors.
Module 2: Role-playing job interview simulation engages learners in identifying how their strengths and challenges influence their sales interactions with others.
Module 3: Introduces customer mapping, a new way of people-reading, and using a series of video segments brings together participant teams in a friendly competition they practice and hone their new skills.
Module 4: Explores the priorities that drive the buying style of each participant’s customers and engages learners in plotting their current customers’ styles to complete a customized Everything DiSC Sales Map.
Module 5: Through video and storytelling, and using participants’ customized Everything DiSC Sales Map, learners discover how to more effectively navigate from their own styles to those of different types of customers.
Module 6: Role play challenges participants to demonstrate new ways to adapt to their most challenging customer and complete an interaction plan for working with that customer.
Additional tool: Use Sales Customer Interaction on MyED to guess customer styles and explore strategies for adapting their own DiSC style to that of actual customers.